
Inexor uses spdlog for both console logging and logfiles.

Example of Inexor engine console output.

The log output which can be seen in the console will also be written to vulkan-renderer.log in the root directory.

You can open and read this logfile with a text editor of your choice.

We are using the following log entry format %Y-%m-%d %T.%f %^%l%$ %5t [%-10n] %v.

  • %Y is the year.

  • %m is the month (01 to 12).

  • %d is the day of month (01 to 31).

  • %T is ISO 8601 time format (HH:MM:SS).

  • %f is the microsecond part of the current second.

  • %^%l%$ is the color-coded log level.

  • %5t is the thread id formatted to a string of length 5.

  • [%-10n] is the name of the logger, limited to 10 characters.

  • %v is the log message.

For more information, check out spdlog’s documentation about custom formatting.

Use the following rules for logging:

  • Don’t use std::cout or printf or similar. Just use spdlog instead.

  • Place as many log messages to your code as possible.

  • End log messages with a . to show that the message is finished.

  • Use all log levels as you need it: spdlog::trace, spdlog::info, spdlog::debug, spdlog::error, spdlog::critical.

  • You can print variables with spdlog (see this reference) because it is based on fmt library.

  • Use direct API calls like spdlog::debug("Example text here"); instead of creating your own logger name for now. We will come up with a strategy for logger hierarchy later.