Keyboard and mouse input

Inexor engine uses glfw3 for window management and for keyboard and mouse input. Inexor does not use manual polling of keyboard and mouse input data, but uses callbacks instead. This way, we ensure we are not missing a key event. For more information check out glfw’s input guide. Inexor uses a wrapper class for keyboard and mouse input data, called KeyboardMouseInputData. This class offers an easy-to-use interface for setting and getting keyboard and mouse input. KeyboardMouseInputData is thread safe since pull request 401.


Inexor redirects keyboard and mouse input events to class methods which handle it. Because glfw is a C-style API, it is not possible to use class methods directly as callbacks for keyboard and mouse input data. To fix this, we set the glfw window user pointer to the class instance which contains the input callback methods. Then, we use a lambda to set up the class method as callback. All setups are done in Application::setup_window_and_input_callbacks. For more information about this workaround, check out this Stackoverflow issue.


It’s not possible handle glfw input data in a thread which is separate from the thread which created the corresponding window. For more information, check out this glfw forum post.

Keyboard input

  • We store the pressed keys as a std::array<bool, GLFW_KEY_LAST> member in KeyboardMouseInputData

  • The maximum number of keys is defined by GLFW_KEY_LAST

  • If a key is pressed or released, we notify KeyboardMouseInputData by calling method press_key and release_key, respectively

  • Check if a key is currently pressed by calling method is_key_pressed

  • Check if a key was pressed once by calling method was_key_pressed_once

Mouse input

  • We store the pressed mouse buttons as a std::array<bool, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LAST> member in KeyboardMouseInputData

  • The maximum number of mouse buttons is defined by GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LAST.

  • If a mouse button is pressed or released, we notify KeyboardMouseInputData by calling method press_mouse_button and release_mouse_button, respectively

  • To update the current cursor position, we call set_cursor_pos

  • To get the current cursor position, we call get_cursor_pos

  • The change in cursor position can be queried with calculate_cursor_position_delta

  • Check if a mouse button is pressed by calling method is_mouse_button_pressed

  • Check if a mouse button was pressed once by calling method was_mouse_button_pressed_once


Inexor does not support joysticks yet.