Class Fence

Class Documentation

class Fence

A RAII wrapper for VkFences.

Public Functions

Fence(const Device &device, const std::string &name, bool in_signaled_state)

Default constructor.


Make sure to specify in_signaled_state correctly as needed, otherwise synchronization problems occur.

  • device – The const reference to a device RAII wrapper instance.

  • name – The internal debug marker name of the VkFence.

  • in_signaled_state – True if the VkFence will be constructed in signaled state, false otherwise.

Fence(const Fence&) = delete
Fence(Fence&&) noexcept
Fence &operator=(const Fence&) = delete
Fence &operator=(Fence&&) = delete
inline VkFence get() const
void block(std::uint64_t timeout_limit = std::numeric_limits<std::uint64_t>::max()) const

Block fence by calling vkWaitForFences and wait until fence condition is fulfilled.


timeout_limit – The time to wait in milliseconds. If no time is specified, the numeric maximum value is used.

void reset() const

Call vkResetFences.

VkResult status() const

Call vkGetFenceStatus.

Private Members

const Device &m_device
std::string m_name
VkFence m_fence = {VK_NULL_HANDLE}