Program Listing for File cpu_texture.hpp

Return to documentation for file (inexor/vulkan-renderer/wrapper/cpu_texture.hpp)

#pragma once

#include <string>

#include <stb_image.h>

namespace inexor::vulkan_renderer::wrapper {

class CpuTexture {
    std::string m_name;

    int m_texture_width{0};
    int m_texture_height{0};
    int m_texture_channels{0};
    int m_mip_levels{0};

    stbi_uc *m_texture_data{nullptr};

    void generate_error_texture_data();


    CpuTexture(const std::string &file_name, std::string name);

    CpuTexture(const CpuTexture &) = delete;
    CpuTexture(CpuTexture &&) noexcept;


    CpuTexture &operator=(const CpuTexture &) = delete;
    CpuTexture &operator=(CpuTexture &&) = default;

    [[nodiscard]] const std::string &name() const {
        return m_name;

    [[nodiscard]] int width() const {
        return m_texture_width;

    [[nodiscard]] int height() const {
        return m_texture_height;

    [[nodiscard]] int channels() const {
        return m_texture_channels;

    [[nodiscard]] int mip_levels() const {
        return m_mip_levels;

    [[nodiscard]] stbi_uc *data() const {
        return m_texture_data;

    [[nodiscard]] std::size_t data_size() const {
        // TODO: We will need to update this once we fully support mip levels.
        return static_cast<std::size_t>(m_texture_width) * static_cast<std::size_t>(m_texture_height) *

} // namespace inexor::vulkan_renderer::wrapper