Todo List

page todo

Class inexor::vulkan_renderer::TimeStep

Implement time step for every thread?

Class inexor::vulkan_renderer::tools::CommandLineArgumentParser

Support equals arguments and arguments with multiple values (e.g. —gpus=1,2,3).

Support short arguments, including stacking (e.g. -abc).

Class inexor::vulkan_renderer::wrapper::CommandBuffer

Make trivially copyable (this class doesn’t really “own” the command buffer, more just an OOP wrapper).

Class inexor::vulkan_renderer::wrapper::CpuTexture

Scan asset directory automatically.

Class inexor::vulkan_renderer::wrapper::GpuTexture

Support 3D textures and cube maps (implement new and separate wrappers though).

Member inexor::vulkan_renderer::wrapper::UniformBuffer::UniformBuffer  (const Device &device, const std::string &name, const VkDeviceSize &size)

Add overloaded constructor which directly accepts the uniform buffer data.